Blooming Friday - White Dahlia in my Potager
Crab Cactus - A Light in the Darkness of November
Crab Cactus
a.k.a Thanksgiving cactus Schlumbergera truncata just perfect 'in floribus' in time for Thanksgiving.
Thank God for durable colourful winterflowering houseplants that costs next to nothing, like the African Violets, Kalanchoes, and this Crab Cactus they really helps us through the dark winter months especially now in the darkest month of them all November.
The Schlumbergera belongs to the Cactaceae family and lives wild in the tropical rainforest, it is an epiphytes what lives on rocks or in trees. On our window ledge they prefer welldrained soil with good aeration and hate to be waterlogged. Needs to be repotted just every third year, that's good isn't it.
Happy Thanksgiving to you All!
Ready at last - Harvesting Mulching Material
GBBD - November in Tyra's Garden
Soothing remedy for coughs and colds
...I walked on a path lined with of thymes and sensed the marvellous amoratic leaves and I fell in love...
I just adore the fragrance and taste of this herb. It is a favourite both in the potager as well as in the kitchen. I even make a cough medicine with Thymus vulgaris in it, see recipe for Tyra's remedy intended for coughs and colds below but first some pictures.
Thymus vulgaris Garden Thyme,
Tyra's soothing remedy for coughs and colds
Susie on Gotland says "Here on Gotland the wild thyme growns in the meadows by the sea and it's so nice to go there late in the summer evenings as the sun set - and so on top of that sense the smell of crushed thyme. Wonderful! Oh, how I long for next year!"
En fin kommentar från Susie på min svenska blogg, jag tyckte det lät så skönt.
"Här växer ju timjanen vild på strandängarna och det är så skönt att gå där sent på sensommarkvällarna i solnedgången - och så ovanpå det få känna doften av krossad timjan. Underbart! Oj, vad jag längtar till nästa år!! "
Take care - LOLove/ Tyra
Don't be a stranger do write something...
An Apple a Day keeps the Doctor away
But isn't it just the perfect treat on a wet, cold and dark November day?