Crescendo in my garden!
everything at once...
Forget-me-nots, Lilacs, Irises, Columbine, Daisies
...and the list goes on and on.
All these gorgeous flowers ’in floribus’ all at once like a huge symphonic orchestra. An orchestra that preforms the musical melody of summertime right now, right here in my garden.
The mighty Rhododrendron must be the bass drum, irises are the bassoons and the daisies are all clarinets, the little violets just must be the violins. The piano?...Could it be the rows of purple and white lilacs in perfect harmony.
This is not an orchestra just a piano playing a piece of favourite Nordic music, a summer melody
Intåg i sommarhagen, translated, something like 'March into the Summer Meadow'
by Wilhelm Peterson-Berger