Oh....it was so crowded, we arrived to the exhibition hall one hour after it opened and we couldn't even park the car! After 20 minutes we finally found a spot to park. Here are some pictures of a few things that
caught my eyes.
Nordiska Trädgårdar 2008, Balcony Specials.
Precis som utställningen i somras Ulriksdals Flower Show hade de även här en balkong utställning och det är ju alltid trevligt att titta på.
A garden lady in a straw hat, the gardening people have a certain '
dress code' they love straw hats and colorful shoes and Wellington boots with hip design.
Så här års när jag går ut i trädgården känner jag mej som en Bag Lady, lager på lager på lager med varma kläder, flisväst hatt och handskar hela köret! I den lilla hallen på Älvsjö Mässan hade de samlat alla sällskap - Pomologiska Sällskapet, Pelargon , Biodlare, St:Paula, Bonzai etc. sällskapen. STA som jag är medlem i hade också en monter.
At the fair it was a lot! of design & inspiration companies. The materials for 2008 are concrete, zinc and willow and still a lot of white stuff of course. Even the flowers are white. Vitt vitt vitt håller i sig fortfarande, toner av vitt, drömmar i vitt, vila i vitt och så vidare......
Wire handy craft at Nordiska Trädgårdar with LED lights or without. TRÅD SPIRA is the name of the company.
Gladiolus Corms for sale! and there were a lot of Dahlias and Lilies to. It was so hard to choose I wanted them all to come home with me but I didn't by any! I ended up with 4 different Chilie plants one from each of these countries Burkina Faso, Brazil, 'Czechoslovakia' and Bolivia and now they are on my veranda with all there friends.....
Nu har jag planterat mina nya små vänner i större krukor och god jord så nu är det bara att vänta på solen och värmen så att jag kan få ställa ut dem i växthuset....när nu det blir, det går lite trögt med våren tycker jag.
This picture that I have called Inspiration and Details it is from the Garden Fair - Nordic Gardens. Details - The small things in a design that completes 'the picture' you are striving for. The final touch are so important for the end result, it can be totally perfect and wonderful with the correct details and on the other hand so intolerably awful and ruin the hole thing if the details are wrong. I found a few companies at the fair that had those small details for indoor as well as outdoor design and they were very inspirational indeed. This is one of them - Fröken Tvärsemot. Funny and pretty stuff with a little bit of country romance.
This is a flower shop at Alvik called Blåregn (the swedish for Wisteria). A small shop with a lot of lovely details, very inspiring. The plants are very well presented in boxes and baskets. This is a shop I can recommend.
En söt liten blomsteraffär i Alvik, massor av små fina detaljer och fina blommor, mycket inspirerande att se. Just nu full av underbara vårblommor här på bilden i ljuvliga violetta färger. Jag kom hit av en slump direkt efter mitt besök på Trädgårdsmässan, Nordiska trädgårdar i Älvsjö och även efter den tyckte jag att den här lilla shoppen var riktigt imponerande.