My potager garden is a small garden on the island of Resarö, Resarö is situated in the inner part of the archipelago outside of Stockholm. Tyra´s Garden is mostly an ornamental vegetable garden, potager. But flowers are of course an important ingredience, for beauty and pollination.
Tyra's Garden is a small garden on the island of Resarö situated in the inner part of the archipelago near the small town Vaxholm, outside Stockholm. Tyra's Garden is mostly an ornamental vegetable garden, my potager. But flowers are of course an important ingredience, for beauty and pollination. The climate in these parts is quite demanding as the northerly winds can be strong and cold. THIS BLOG 'Tyra's Garden' is not entirely a gardenblog it contains much more. About me: Enthusiastic amateur gardener and photographer from Vaxholm, Sweden. Designed and built my Greenhouse and Potager in Tyra's Garden 2003. Love the outdoor life, gardening and sailing especially. View my profile


Stuart and May - I will not forget you.


Last week when I visited my summerhouse I sat in a room next to the kitchen and suddenly I heard a strange sound from the kitchen, a rustling noise. It came from a plastic bag with my Danish rye bread. I realized pretty fast that ‘Stuart Little’ paid me a visit. I tossed a cork at the bag to frighten Stuart away but without luck. I quickly emptied a zinc bucket and pushed the bag into it. Now I was calm…and went for my camera to get a shot, as I opened the bag I saw this adorable little mouse, the sweetest thing and he was or she was so full that it could hardy move, totally content he was lying on the back. It is nice with a piece of Danish rye bread. I however had to go to the store and bye a new loaf. The mouse got its freedom among the hundreds of the months of May’s forget-me-nots. Soon my favourite month has come to an end, Stuart and May  -  I will not forget you.

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Tulipa tarda

Tulipa tarda

More tulips from my garden and this time it is the Tulipa tarda. I find it very pretty in it's simplicity. Have you got an English name for it? I'm sure you have this tulip in the northern states of US, Canada and GB.

The plant is about 10-20 cm tall (up to 8 inches), dark green stem, 3-7 light green leaves that froms a rosette. The flowers are quite small up to 5 cm in diameter, star formed, off-white with yellow base. Outer segments are green with creamy white on some you see a purple stripe on the ouside edges. Often self-sown and does well on any soil. This tulipa tarda loves, as myself, the sun but enjoys the partial shade as well. You find this little tulip wild in Kirgizistan.

Det här är vad Wikipedia sager om Flocktulpanen Tulipa tarda:

Flocktulpan (Tulipa tarda) är en art i familjen liljeväxter. Den förekommer i Kirgizistan (norra Tien Shan). Växer på steniga platser och rasbranter. Flocktulpan odlas i Sverige som trädgårdsväxt.

Flocktulpan är en fleråtig ört med lök och blir 5-15 cm hög, med mörkt gröna, kala stjälkar. Bladen sitter i rosett och är 3-7, fårade, ljust gröna, smalt lansettlika, ofta med cilierade kanter. Blommorna sitter 1-7 tillsammans och blir 3-5 cm i diameter, stjärlika, vita med gul bas. De yttre hyllebladen är på utsidan gröna med gräddvita kanter. Ståndarsträngar är håriga, gula och ståndarknapparna är gula. Blommor tidigt under våren. Långlivad och anpassningsbar. Arten förökar sig snabbt med utlöpare, men också genom frö om den trivs.

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Flower of the month of May - Tulipa

Botanical Tulips vs. Hybrids

Tulips in bloom, what a joy!

Most of my tulips are botanical tulips I find them so very attractive, small and pretty, perhaps not as 'fancy' as the tall hybrid cultivars but they are just the way I like them. Another positive thing about the species tulips are that they are early, most of the hybridized are in bloom much later and then after they flowered I have to look at those dull sad looking leaves half the summer. 

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Botaniska tulpaner är verkligen mina favoriter, små, söta och framför allt tidiga. Varje år planterar jag fler för att jag tycker så mycket om dom. Tulipa greigii, Persian Pearl, Chopin och allt vad de heter. Jag tycker att rådjuren är inte lika heta på de botaniska tulpanerna som på hybriderna, vad tycker du? Har du märkt någon skillnad? 


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