I have these absolutely brilliant jam jars from Italy called Quatre Stagioni, which I rinse with Vodka. Then I poor the very hot jam into the jars and put on the lids straight away. Now they are sealed tight, hermetic without any complicated procedure.
Calligraphy is an art I’ve have practiced for some years now and to label the jars with a nice handwritten label I just think makes the final touch.
När Missy M kommer hem på visit från England är det alltid en massa maträtter som vi bara måste ha på bordet under hennes besök i Svedala. Våfflor med hallonsylt är en sådan rätt. När vi var uppe på landet i helgen passade vi på att mysa till lite med göra hallonsylt och sedan grädda våfflor, härligt. Vi provade våfflor med fullkorn och de smakade utmärkt.
Tyra’s Raspberry Jam.
2 litres of raspberries – 1 kilo sugar with pectin for thicker jam (optional).
Mash the berries and boil for a few minutes. Add sugar, stir well and leave to simmer for an additional 5 minutes. Pronto!
Tyra’s Raspberry Jam.
2 litres of raspberries – 1 kilo sugar with pectin for thicker jam (optional).
Mash the berries and boil for a few minutes. Add sugar, stir well and leave to simmer for an additional 5 minutes. Pronto!

Communicate! Don't be a stranger, write a comment :-)
Skriv en rad, gör ett litet inlägg här nedan.

Have a nice day/ TYRA
Men oj så fina bilder du har tagit!
Underbart gott med hallonsylt, ska nog ta och prova på att göra efter ditt recept någon dag.
Kram Vella
Hello Tyra... What a delicious post! Your pictures are terrific. I love the way you have displayed the jars of raspberry jam amongst the clay pots, raspberry leaves and apples etc. Your pictures would grace any magazine. The jars of jam have become a lovely work of art with the embellishment of the calligraphy inscribed tags tied on with string
Hmmm! I like the idea of rinsing the jars with vodka too
Thank you for your recent sweet comment. I send you best wishes from a beautiful sunny morning in Wales. Marion
Mmmmmmm, delicious home made raspberry jam. This year I didn't have enough raspberries for that but maybe next year, or the year after? Who knows?
Beautiful handwritten labels Tyra, you still do great at calligraphy.
Have a nice weekend and don't eat too much raspberry jam. ;-)
Mmm så gott det lät - Våfflor och Hallonsylt... Har inte hallon tyvärr men det går ju att köpa och sedan koka sylten själv.... nästan lika gott =) Ha en bra helg! Fin bild tragedin på Burma, tror jag lånar den och lägger på min blogg....om det är ok?
The raspberry jam looks really good! You use a lot of sugar for berries that are already so sweet. Is that because you like the jam this sweet, or because the recipe needs the sugar to work correctly? If I prefer it less sweet, can I just use less sugar?
By the way, I really like your blog.
Hello Tyra
I agree with Marion, your pictures are works of art and the sight of the pots of jam sent me scurrying to make toast...
I also like the idea of using vodka to sterilise the jars!
Such a shame I have no frozen fruit in my freezer!
Tant pis, there is always next year?
Bonjour mama! I had your delicious jam on my homemade croissants this morning. It was gorgeous! Had to have a nice brekkie since it was Em's last morning in Sweden. Big cup of coffee, croissants and raspberry jam. What a lovely day to start this sunny sunday!
Visst är det underbart med egen sylt som saknar innehåll med massa siffror och bokstäver. Jag köper aldrig sylt längre. Fyller frys och källaren. Ska testa ditt recept!
Mums, så gott det ser ut.
Attans då, jag glömde min burk! Men jag fick ju en rejäl dos både till våfflor (x2!) och croissanter. It is the best!
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