My potager garden is a small garden on the island of Resarö, Resarö is situated in the inner part of the archipelago outside of Stockholm. Tyra´s Garden is mostly an ornamental vegetable garden, potager. But flowers are of course an important ingredience, for beauty and pollination.
Tyra's Garden is a small garden on the island of Resarö situated in the inner part of the archipelago near the small town Vaxholm, outside Stockholm. Tyra's Garden is mostly an ornamental vegetable garden, my potager. But flowers are of course an important ingredience, for beauty and pollination. The climate in these parts is quite demanding as the northerly winds can be strong and cold. THIS BLOG 'Tyra's Garden' is not entirely a gardenblog it contains much more. About me: Enthusiastic amateur gardener and photographer from Vaxholm, Sweden. Designed and built my Greenhouse and Potager in Tyra's Garden 2003. Love the outdoor life, gardening and sailing especially. View my profile


Rain... at last and Tomatoes in abundance

I'm back! Hallo all my garden friends. Fjoo... it has been a really hectic time, so much work to do and drought! I have been totally occupied with watering and working. This drought has been really bad, my garden looks like as if it is october. The bad drought however ended on Saturday because my family had arranged since May to have a big garden party. I nice barbeque for 35 friends, well need to add that we of course ended up indoors isn't just typical!
Just now as I write this the heavens doors are open and the rain is pooring down copiously. Perfect for my trees and the mushrooms!

This year I really wanted to get a mix of all the lovely different kinds of tomatoes that are out on the market. All the beautiful shapes and colours and they do taste so very different. I find that the outdoor tomatoes really taste the best. The ones I have in the greenhouse may grow better and more wellformed, but these brown spots that use to appear on the early tomatoes when the watering is irregular never appear on the outdoor grown tomatoes. This year I grow both heirloom, ordinary and F1 seeds.

Heirloom Tomatoes: Crnkovic Yugoslavian, Federle, Green Zebra, Glacier, Czech Excellent Yellow and at Priciple Borgese and that is on old Italian. I do have some others that aren't heirloom like Money Maker, Sweet 100 , Ildi etc.

My pale red/pink beef tomato - perfect for a rustique 'Greek mixed sallad'

Favorites from the greenhouse for the kitchen
Favoriter från växthuset till köket: Tomater, chilies, vitlök och lök.... jag tror inte jag skulle klara mej utan dessa favoriter. Citron och lime lika så men de odlar jag inte...än. Vad vore 'my crosskitchen cooking' utan dessa ädla råvaror, de må vara basic men går ju att variera i oändlighet.

Variation of tomatoes
Green Zebra, Ferline, Sweet 100.....
I år har jag verkligen satsat på en riklig variation av mina tomater. Jag ville ha stora och små, gula gröna röda och nästan rosa. Min bifftomat är den som har en ljuvlig nästan rosa färg och den är underbar i en grekisk sallad. Så här gör jag min grekiska sallad.


Grekisk sallad (3 pers.)
3 bifftomat
1 slang gurka eller ett par av den mindre varianterna som är lite mörkare i skalet.
Feta ost av den bästa kvalitén
svartpeppar och salt
svarta oliver
Färdigt! Ett gott bröd till salladen och ett glas rosé eller en sval öl. Oh! vilken sommar lunch!
En variant är att man gör så här:
skivar bifftomater, lök, till det svart oliver, svart peppar och sedan toppar man med tsatziki....
inte så dumt det heller.
Ops jag glömde en god olja och vinäger (röd gillar jag bäst till denna sallad)


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Hannele på Hisingen said...

Egna tomater bäst, i år får jag smaka på mammas, hon har på balkongen, vi har varit bortresta för mycket..

TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe said...

Borta bra och mamma bäst!