This is the WINNER of all tomatoes in my greenhouse this year. It's the fellow in the left, bright yellow, perfect in taste, consistency and size. The name is Czech's Excellent Yellow and the seed is from Plants of Distinction
Golden beauty - the Czech's excellent yellow Prolific orange yellow tomato with a strong flavour. 3inches round fruit. Extremely productive and will supply you with a steady stream of fruit for weeks on end. Best salad tomato for ages! Cordon. 70-75 days from transplanting.
I did grow some outdoors in the potager as well and they where even more excellent in taste but the harvest wasn't very large, the summer was definitely too cold.

So richtig zum Reinbeißen!
Lieben Gruß
Såå mycket härliga tomater, vi äter inte så mycket...
Ha en solig höstdag, kram.
Your tomatoes look beautiful, colorful, and delicious Tyra!
I know it's impossible but I wish we could taste the tomato before we buy the seed - so many look wonderful but have an insipid taste - such a disappointment. I've made a note of Czech's Excellent Yellow!
They are really great looking tomatoes and they are my favourite fruit/vegetable.
During my family visit in Varberg I discovered the winter hardy hibiscus for sale at the local farmers market. Perhaps you can search in one of your garden centers for this wonderful hibiscus. They do survive in temperatures below -15 Celsius.
My plants are now cut back to soil level and mulched with a thick layer of shredded leaves for winter protection.
Love your blog,
I have made note of this yellow one for next spring, Tyra! Everyone here said tomatoes did not do as well this year, and we think it was because of our huge wildfires that lasted a month. Last year was much better. I'm always open for trying new ones. I don't have my favs all settled on yet. Early Girl and Principe Bourghese usually are standard so far. You?
Looks like you made some excellent selections this year.
Such a pretty harvest of tomatoes, Tyra. The Czech Yellow looks yummy and I like the way you've arranged the tomatoes for the photo.
Tyra .. Your tomato composition photo is beautiful .. I find it hard to imagine the taste when the colour is an extraordinary yellow ! LOL
Everything tastes better when you grow it yourself I think : )
Such beautiful tomatoes.
My favorite among your tomatoes is definitely the green, spotty one. Don't know the name of it.
and speaking of czech...who is going to Prague next weekend. ME! :-D
My favorite among your tomatoes is definitely the green, spotty one. Don't know the name of it.
and speaking of czech...who is going to Prague next weekend. ME! :-D
TACK så hjärtligt för din omtanke!!!
: )
STOR kram till dig från Jenny
Du har så rätt i det där med att stanna upp och se det lilla i det stora....oftast har man på tok för bråttom.
Måste prova den lilla gula tomaten Czech´s yellow...
Tror jag köpt frön från Plants of Distinction medan Rockdala hade deras sortiment för ett par år sedan...
Vet du om det finn någon ny återförsäljare eller är det att shoppa direkt från dem som gäller nu?
Fortsatt trevlig vecka!
Thank you all for your warm and lovely comments. I'm so very glad to here from you all.
Jenny get well soon we miss you.
Janne nej jag vet bara att man köper från deras hemsida på nätet, de är bra men dyra tycker jag.
Kram LOL Tyra
Someday I want to grow tomatoes as beautiful as yours! Gail
Fantastiska foton. Vad du är skicklig med din kamera! Du är även så duktig på att arrangera!
Här är det tomaten Hurma som är favoriten. Och Supersweet, tror jag (detta är mest min hustrus avdelning). /Ruben
Hej! Tack för din hälsning! Vad mycket fint du har här!
Kram Tulipa
Åh, så lekre tomater!
Må merke meg den excellente gule.
Min smaksmessige favoritt ble Green Zebra, desverre ble de sent modne.
Jeg prøvde Alaskan Fancy, for den skulle bære raskt og tåle lave temperaturer. Plantene ble syke, og tomatene smakte nesten ingenting.
... but dear Tyra, what happened to this stunning fellow (Czech's Excellent Yellow) after the fine photo shoot? Has he vanished? Did you EAT him? Did he live up to your expectation or was he only a pretty face ;) Hugs ...
Gail - yes do there is nothing compered to home grow veggies.
Ruben - tack för tipset, Hurma och Supersweet
Tulipa - Tackar och välkommen hit.
Pusepilde - ja men visst Green Zebra är toppen!
Joey ops I ate it!
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