We planted a seed...

Do you remember my Topiary bedroom, we have had an empty pot on the wall for some years now and a few weeks ago we decided to plant a seed. Look what's come up...an Impomea. It's not full grown yet so we cannot begin to trim it into a Topiary Impomea we have to wait for some months, maybe we can start next spring.
(old post Topiarius Tyra)
Impomea - The Topiary bedroom. Photo Tyra
My Topiary in a pot Photo Martina Svensson
Empty pot, before the seed was planted. Photo Martina Svensson
Impomea in Tyra's Garden
What a wonderful idea for the walls! Makes us wish we had thought of it... mind if we borrow the idea?? LOL
Of course do use the idea and you can always tell from whom you got it...from Potty Tyra :-)
Hi Tyra, you are very talented! I love that bedroom and everything in it. Guests must be so pleased to be able to stay there. How fun to have something grow indoors on a wall. No Weeds! LOL
Beautiful indoor garden Tyra. No matter the weather you will always have blooms! :) What a creative way to decorate this bedroom.
You are most creative, dear Tyra, a fine hand both inside and out. Love the welcoming bedroom (is that where I stay when I knock on your door ;)
En makalöst underbar idé! Mycket vackert!
mvh, Anja
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! I've checked out your blog, and you have a marvelous collection of photos and lots of interesting posts. I'll be back to visit again.
What a pretty bedroom, and so calming and zen...
This is really lovely Tyra
What a lovely room, Tyra! Beautiful, aesthetic tastes!
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