A Gardeners Gift Wrap
To wrap a present is so fun, I really do enjoy it and this time I wanted to do something different, I went for a stroll in the garden and ended up with this. I just adores the seed capsules of the Papaver, I think they are most fascinating, each one is a small work of art. They are so beautiful therefore I started out with the Papaver then...

...added a fig (picked from the fridge), some lovely green Ivy, two Cynara cardunculus and then the beautiful blueish green fragant sage. I was rather satisfied with the result if I may say, you could certainly see that it was from the a gardener :-)
Att slå in paket är ju så jätteroligt tycker jag, här gick jag en runda i trädgården och plockade lite grejer, frökapslar ifrån vallmo, härligt grön murgröna, doftande salvia också ett par kardonknoppar och till sist ett fikon ifrån kylskåpet...sedan var det bara att fästa ihop dem och vips, färdigt. Ett paket som det syns lång väg att det kommer från en trädgårds toka.
Happy birthday to Lena my dear sister in law!

Have a great week all of you!

Herrje så läckert! Är paketet till mig ;))!?
Vilket härligt tips!
mvh, Anja
hej Anja - Herrje...? Coolt
just stunning, how wonderful to receive such a beautifully crafted gift.
Zoe thank tou Yes she liked it and put it on the mantle piece.
Två själar ....en tanke...kul!
Vi tänker visst i samma banor....
Fortsatt trevlig vecka och på återtittande ; )
Hi Tyra, that does show the talents of an artist AND a gardener! I love the poppy seed heads too and save them after I have saved the seeds to scatter in the garden. A bowl of the stems with head attached are sitting on my kitchen bar waiting to be crafted into something for our Thanksgiving fiesta when my whole family comes to my house. Your poppy flowers looks like a very pretty one too, is it a dark purple color?
How pretty Tyra. I think I would enjoy the wrapping as much as the gift inside!
Hej Tyra! Tack för det! Det var verkligen jättegott. Vilken vacker blogg du har! :). Jag länkar genast till den från min. Ha det jättebra! //Anna
Janne visst är det kul nästa inlägg tror jag att din bild kommer med.
Dear Frances I have to admit that the Pop art colour is manipulated.
Thank you gardengirl for you very nice comment
Anna välkommen till Tyras Trädgård och tack för din varma kommentar.
Very beautiful, and so unique and personal
Så fantastiskt Tyra... är helt stum!
Another creative idea ... how lovely, Tyra! November is a wonderful month for birthdays and know Lena must have been delighted with your thoughtful gift.
Easygardener thank you
Linda äsch da ...tackar tackar
Joey we certainly need a lot of lovely birthdays to celebrate in November....otherwise it would be so grey!
A very pretty combination Tyra and so unique too!
Som små konstverk.
Åhh, vilket underbart vackert paket! En riktigt fin idé. :) Kram Karin
I too love to get and give such beautiful gifts. I have never seen one done as lovely as yours. Your sister-in-law is lucky. The way you have combined the colors for this wrapping is stunning. We call that--very classy.
Lovely arrangement. The colors work so well together. What a thoughtful addition to the present.
Always Growing
What a beautiful gift you made! The receiver will be pleased very much, I'm sure. By the way, thank you for your visit and your kind comment. I'll be back here too ;-) !!!
Have a good time!
oh my Tyra. That is BEAUTIFUL. I would never want to unwrap it, it's so lovely. What a brilliantly creative idea, I bet your sister loved it.
Lyckost den som får det paketet.
Bilden längst upp är TOPPEN
Ha det gott
Kanak thank you, yes it's a fall/winter decor.
Hannele, konstverk, jo man tackar.
Welcome Anna I do think that the wrap is important :-)
Jan thank you for your nice comment, did I mention that my husbands name is Jan.
Kathleen easy to make and highly appreciated and that is nice.
Barbara great to hear from you and welcome back!
Annika tackar va kul att du gillade den översta bilden, det gör jag med. Jag vet är du ibland inte vet vilken blogg du skall läsa men den här TYRA'S GARDEN är min huvudblogg och där skriver jag mest på engelska, det finns dom som inte läser engelska så därför har jag en liten som är på svenska Växthus o Potager och till slut THE GREENHOUSE IN TYRA'S GARDEN det handlar bara om växthuset. ojoj detblev mycket./ kram Tyra
.....och Tyra! Jag skulle bli vaaansinnigt sårad om du inte antog utmaningen i min blogg ;)))!!!
Nåja. Jag överlever om och ifall du tycker att det är integritetsintrång - typ;))! Men jag säger, som jag sa till Camellia, att ibland får man bjuda lite på sig! Vi bloggare är ju så OOOOtroooligt nyfikna på dig Tyra!
mvh, Anja
Anja det menar du inte, vaaansinnigt sårad? Nejdå. Genom mina bloggar vet du ju nästan allt om mej...kanske inte skonummret:-)
Som jag sa på 'Anjas Hill' när jag läste om dej så skulle jag kopiera dina subjektiva sanningar rakt av :-) Stor kram Tyra..... 37 i skor
That is gorgeous and inspiring.
I am so glad you did this post,Tyra! I have been eyeing the rose hips up in the rose arbor thinking, "You must get up there on a ladder and pick those! They are so full of vitamin C." In my early youth I made tea from them as they are supposed to be so good for a cold. But your recipe sounds so delightful! I must try! Thank you!
Dear Tyra, The gift is beautiful and must surely be a pleasure to receive.
Oh how pretty. The wrapping's a gift in itself :)
Jätte fint!! Tack för tipset!
Men..Bara... och vips....det lät för enkelt..;)
Hello girls,
Dear Kathryn thank you for you warm and funny comment, please do write to me then you have enjoyed the first toast with marmalade and let me know what you think.
Mouse thank you and I must say it is so nice to hear from you!
VP you are so kind, thanks.
Merja johoora det är busenkelt prova :-)
How talented you are! What a lovely gift wrapped package. The poppy seedhead is a work of art.
I also love the pictures from the sea on your heather post. Heather does not grow well for me here in Tennessee and I love it over there. It for some reason reminds me of Wuthering Heights. A good thing I guess.
What a lovely and thoughtful way to wrap a gift! Very creative.
Hi Tina, yes I do agree the seedheads are like a true work of art.
Thank you dear Kim.
Very, very beautiful. What a wonderful way to wrap a special gift.
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