This post, 'Seriously have you ever faked it?' was originally uploaded and written by Tyra at the blog Tyra's Garden
Seriously, have you ever 'faked' it? I have.
Meet my Phakenopsis!
Meet my Phakenopsis!

Phakenopsis yes this is one of my husbands favourite houseplant it is so durable. Extremely long-lasting as a matter of fact it has been flowering in my kitchen window since…last January. It doesn’t need much care at all. Have you guessed it already? It’s a fake. The ‘mother plant’ is an old orchid that I have had for years and it has never bloomed again so instead of throwing it away a bought this fake Phalaenopsis and let the mother plant adopt it. I think sometimes it’s OK to cheat and use a fake and this ‘Phakenopsis’ looks really well on my kitchen windowsill.
Today it is Blooming Friday again and do look in at Katarina’s Roses and stuff and meet all the other participants. I think it is going to be a great day today, I have something really nice that I’m looking forward to tonight, they are showing a new program on the TV this evening The English garden’s the first programme in the series of six.

Here we have orchids flourishing in the greenhouse, it is summertime…ah
I wish you all my blogging gardenfriend a great weekend - Ha en riktigt finfin helg!
Don't be a stranger do write something - Skriv en rad.
Hahah, phakenopsis! Det var roligt. :-) Ibland skulle man behöva några sådana, men jag föredrar ändå de riktiga. Det blir spännande med tv-programmet ikväll! Ha en bra helg.
Hejsan André, självklart. The real thing är tveklöst bäst! Det är bara en kul grej.
Faked it? Tyra, I'm shocked, how can you think of such a thing? ;-)
Like your Phakenopsis! Last year I had a real orchid that flowered for more than 1 year non stop.
Ha en riktigt finfin helg!
Kram, Yolanda
Denia, haha ofcourse I know the real thing is always the best! Love your swedish, dear Yolanda. Give Tara a hug from me.
Uppriktigt sagt Tyra: NEJ ;))!
MEN. Vi bor i ett fritt land ;))!
Din kreativitet är det dock inget fel på!
Och. Idag får man nästan gå och känna med fingrarna för att vara riktigt säker på om de är äkta eller inte. Dessutom har brudorkidén i sig ett artificiellt utseende, så att so what!? Huvudsaken är att man trivs med det man har:-))!
mvh, Anja
i sig
Ha ha ha! Today you reaced new heights in headlining! What might not come? Long lasting too, but does your husband know? /Ruben
Hejsan Anja, det ät inte vanligt men just orkidéerna har som du säjer ett lite artiticiellt utseende och det är bara på kul!
Ruben ta det inte så bokstavligt
;-)It is just a headline.
Ha en trevlig fredag och glöm inte det fina programmet ikväll!
mvh Tyra
: )
Jo, jag var tvungen att möblera om när jag skaffade min dagbädd..!
VACKRA blommor, själv har jag nästan enbart fejkade blommor inomhus, för katterna käkar på de äkta...det är bara Pelargoner jag kan ha egentligen..!
Önskar dig en riktigt fin & skön helg!
KRAM, Jenny
I just love your phankenopsis orchid. I think the one that is struggling to survive in my bathroom could learn a thing or two from yours!
I say fake it! It looked real to me! I do have a fake orchid and love it! Have a good weekend, too!
The photo certainly looks real.
Your leading sentence really surprises the reader;)
Hi Tyra, Good one! I think the idea to let the real leaves adopt the fake flower stalk is brilliant. Most people will touch the leaves to see if it is real anyway. I do love seeing your real orchids too, the miltonia is especially lovely. I have a nice scape on mine but no blooms yet. There are some paphs nearly open. The orchids really help us get through the winter, real or not! :-)
Vad roligt, du är alltid varmt välkommen till min blogg!
: )
KRAM, Jenny
Hej Jenny och kul att höra att det finns fler än jag som har fakes.
Hi Sowing the seeds, it is a Phakenopsis, like in Fake :-)
Haha... thank you Gail.
Marnie my friend, you see that was ment to be the funny part,(giggle).
Hi Frances so that is what it is called, Miltonia. Thank you and good luch with your Paphs.
xoxo Tyra
You are not alone, dear Tyra! Like you, I often fake it ... delight in tucking a few goodies around orchids waiting to bloom. BTW, my cymbidium has thrown another shoot of wonders!
Ha! This is funny! It is so pretty too. You have a great weekend as well Tyra.
Hi Joey, oh good I'm so glad that I'm not alone!
Hi Tina and thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it!
xoxo Tyra
It looks so real! Really, it's fake? :)
Jag såg något liknande inne på någon annan blogg och visst är det fiffigt, speciellt i väntan på att de ska blomma om. :) Fast egentligen är jag emot allt som inte är äkta vara! ;D Trevlig helg! Kram Karin
Fake? I wouldn't have known. Looks gorgeous! And I love the title of your many posts...One that comes to mind is---Can I tempt you with an apple? Clever and unforgettable!
Ha en riktigt finfin helg!
Dear Tyra,
Your post title is such a tease!!
You certainly will draw in quite a crowd with that first line;) I would never know from the photo that it's not real! It goes really well with the live orchid leaves. How clever!
What a great idea! I knew someone who put fake flowers in their Peace Lily - it was very convincing. I think I might do this to my Orchids - I have a couple which seem to just like growing leaves and havent flowered for over a year. Maybe if I put some fake flowers on them they will get the idea!!!!
To fake or not, that's the question... Ser ut att vara äkta - så varför inte?
Kram på dej - hoppas helgen blir härlig! Snart är det februari och engelskt trädgårdsprogram på tv alldels strax!
How realistic looking and no watering or feeding needed - sounds like the perfect plant to me :)
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your comment Tyra, and also for the link in your sidebar. It is much appreciated.
Looked real to me, too. If it looks real and especially if it is in the middle of winter, I say it is okay.
Always Growng
Hej Tyra!
Underbara bilder här... Sådana vackra...phaleonopsisar! Orkideér är ståtliga, anspråkslösa växter som till och med jag klarar av att sköta. (Är egentligen pelargon-nörd...)
Tänker även följa denna din mysigt gröna å kreativa blog. Vare sig du vill eller inte! :)
Hälsar Veronika
Tycker den ser riktigt äkta óch levande ut!
fortsatt trevlig helg
Måste säga att den är otroligt välgjord! Kunde inte se att den inte var äkta.
Hi Tyra~
Lovely Phakenopsis!
I never would have guessed it was a fake, it looks so real.I just visited Katarina's Blooming Friday post and fell in love with all the flowers.I'll have to remember this come next Friday. Thanks for visiting and commenting on the Artists in the garden interview! It has been great fun learning about these creative people.
Såklart jag fejkar! Jag blandar äkta och oäkta i buketter ibland och ingen har märkt det hittills ;)
Önskar dig en fin vecka!
Kram Randi
Tack för ditt besök hos mig. Det är alltid kul när det dyker upp nya "ansikten".
Vilken härlig blogg du har, och så länge du har hållit på!
Jag har massor att titta igenom :)
Jag har lagt till dig, så att jag kan återkomma.
♥♥♥♥♥ Mari i Marieholm
tee hee Tyra. Thanks for the giggle. It does look real but the authentic ones are gorgeous. I think you have good luck with orchids so you probably don't have to fake it!!!
The series from the English Gardens sounds wonderful. I wonder if we get it over here?
Jag tycker ni borde styra upp nåt roligt tema för måndagar, precis som ABC wednesday o Blooming Friday. Måndagar behöver lite extra färg!
Hmmm jag ska banne mig ta tag i det.
Imorgon ska jag äta årets första semla.
Thank you so much for all your lovely comment.
It was really fun to read your thoughts about the subject.
I think we can conclude that it is OK as long it's done in a nice way
:-) and of course we all prefere the real thing.
LOLove Tyra
It really does look like an orchid.
I just love orchids and find I can keep them years on my indoor windowsill.
I haven't ever faked it, on the windowsill, but your confession makes me feel bold. And your strategy is very clever. Will I ever be trustworthy again?
Hej Tyra
Konstgjorda orchideer är ju riktigt snyggt. När man ser på håll så ser de ju äkta ut. Vattnas en gång per år.:o)
Vad har du i korgen med orchideerna är det mossa? Jättesnyggt ser ut som ett fågelbo.
Ha en fin kväll på riktigt:o)
Thanks for the visit and comment on my bushfires post.
That's a beautiful orchid. Our gardens have been wiped out by the searing heat and the lack of rain + water restrictions.
Tyra, you really had me fooled! And here I was feeling so sorry for myself that I am fumbling with Phals in my tropical garden while you're blooming such beauties in your Swedish garden!
How very cunning of you ;)
I have a fake in a dimly lit bathroom right this moment, Tyra. What can I say? I love flowers, and I can enjoy this one year-round. I love your provocative title. ;-)
Tyra, you are too funny! I have a Phakenopsis, too! Mine has been in bloom since the spring of 2006! What a trouper! LOL
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