...that is the question.
'Dahlia blooms are showy, but it’s their edible tubers that make them an excellent addition to kitchen gardens.' ROB CARDILLO
To those of you who have asked what colorful and somewhat showy flower I got in my hand on my Facebook avatar it's a Dahlia. Dahlia 'Thomas Edison'. I know that the native americans (Aztec) used the dahlia tubers for food, but
I have not tried them ... yet. I can would image that the structure would be similar to the structure of water chestnut and I've read that they taste is very different depending on how and where they grow.
When I once asked my
vegetable garden guru Lena Israelsson she said that she had tasted them, but... did not think they were particularly good, we have so many other things to eat therefore the dahlias she could definitely be without. Very wise woman, but as I read this article Edible Dahlias I became a bit curious... hm this summer I'll probably have a go and try some different varieties. I grow so many dahlias in the garden kitchen already and it surely would be fun to use them in the kitchen as well and not just have them for their beauty's sake and to attract insects to my potager.
Learn more about edible dahlias and how to make a Dahlia Salad, recipe in this article.
Mother Earth News
Enligt min erfarenhet blir inte knölarna speciellt stora det första året efter frösådd. Men en liten munsbit kan det nog bli till den hågade provsmakaren. Ska bli intressant att höra vad du tycker, för självklart måste du provsmaka! Ha det gott - provsmaksgott!
/Ruben - your favourite blogger
Lika vackert här då, som vanligt!
Hm, no, I don't like eat them.
But I like this flowers very mutch and got it in my garden.
Beautiful Blooming Friday...Luna
Dahlior går nog att äta, och smakar nog gott för det tycker i alla fall sniglarna här hos mig :) därför avsaknade av Dahlior här, men de är vackra!
Tallmyrtens barr luktar barr om man gnuggar lite på den, lustig lite växt, som en korsning av flera :) Ja, vi får se hur den överlever inomhusklimat :)
Ha en trevlig helg Tyra, kram :)
what pretty dahlia blooms, i love those large saucer sized blooms and the colors are amazing...have a great friday and weekend!
There are many plants that were eaten in the past, but no longer appeal today. I would never have thought of Dahlia tubers as edible!
Hej Tyra!
Vilka fina bloggar du har! Hoppas att dahliorna blir lika fina i år!
Ha' en trevlig helg!
Har ännu inte provat på att odla dalior men det finns många, många fina, ätbara eller inte.
Trevlig helg
Thomas Edison is beautiful! Not sure if I'd try the tuber though. Then again I might....
Red and beautiful!
I think that I will continue to be content admiring the flowers Tyra - they are not likely to be on the menu here soon :)
Wow, Tyra ... petals, yes, but did not know about edible dahlia tubers. Hum ... I'm adventurous :)
Tyra, This is exactly what I love about garden bloggers! We learn something new everyday. I did not know that dahlias are edible! I cannot wait to hear your report later in the growing season. Wonderful photograph of you!
Those are big blooms ... Wow!
Hi, Tyra! This is one of those plants I'd probably put in the category of "good to know if I were starving, God forbid"! :) I did a post on what the Native Americans used to eat in N. California. Yeah. Maybe one day. Hopefully never. :) But let us know! Meanwhile, a beauty.
Tills jag får läsa om din rapport om smaken, nöjer jag mig med att konstatera att lyser gör den - alltså blomman - som en lampa...;))!/Anja
I Mexico såg jag en grönsak, som fångade mitt intresse. Den såg ut som rotselleri men mycket slätare, nästan som en jättestor potatis. Nu kommer jag inte ihåg vad den hade för namn, men vi köpte några efter att ha fått lite tips av expediten. Den skars i bitar och var väldigt krispig, smaken var litet åt rå potatis-hållet och smakade skapligt. Men vi följde tipset och strödde över lite lime/chili-krydda - och det blev supergott! Kanske samma med dahliaknölar - de behöver lime för att komma till sin rätt?
Ha det gott - limegott!
/Ruben - your favourite blogger
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