Stephanotis floribunda is a tender, evergreen, twining climber. It requires warm growing conditions and is best suited to greenhouse or conservatory culture. It can grow to about 3 meters and bears beautiful white, waxy, very fragrant flowers.
Stephanotis floribunda will occasionally produce longish, fleshy fruits, particularly during warm summers. The fruit may reach 10cm or more in length and have been described as resembling a small avocado, do not eat them, they are not edible. 
This picture of the fruit and seed capsule are from a Stephanotis floribunda, taken in october 2006, Tyra's Garden. Now I have these pretty babies from my Stephanotis mother plant.

Doftranka ifrån Tyras Trädgård planterade tidigt i våras.
Tyra's Garden (alien in a pot)
The fruit take several months to ripen, they can be picked and placed in a warm situation to encourage ripening. Once the fruits are fully ripe, they will begin to split and turn brown.
At this stage, the two halves can be pulled apart, to reveal a central mass of flattened seeds, which have a silky plume of white hairs, attached to one end. Store the seeds overwinter in cool, dry, frost-free conditions. I sow them thinly in early spring, cover with compost, in a warm temperature of about 20-24°c .
Doftrankans frukt tar lång tid att mogna. Frökapseln spricker av sig själv. Bild från Tyras Trädgård 2006
Doftrankan är en städsegrön, klättrande buske till fyra meter lång, med giftig mjölksaft. Bladen är enkla, motsatta, helbräddade, mörkt gröna, läderartade och kan bli 15 cm långa. Blommorna bli ca sex cm långa, de sitter många tillsammans i flockar och är mycket väldoftande. Kronorna är vita, rörformade med ett utbrett, femflikigt bräm. läs mer, länk till Wikipedia
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