Pop into the Greenhouse and read my Posturing Pumpkin Post
Take Care/ Tyra
Pop into the Greenhouse and read my Posturing Pumpkin Post
Take Care/ Tyra
Golden beauty - the Czech's excellent yellow Prolific orange yellow tomato with a strong flavour. 3inches round fruit. Extremely productive and will supply you with a steady stream of fruit for weeks on end. Best salad tomato for ages! Cordon. 70-75 days from transplanting.
I “revisited” Brideshead during the weekend, 11 hours of the wonderful drama. It is so beautiful and such fantastic ornamental language but… it’s too long and totally uninteresting for about 4 hours in the middle, we all agreed that it varied too much in quality. 5 stars out of 10 possible and those stars were all for the first episodes until poor Sebastians finds solace in alcohol and recklessly destroys himself…and the biggest disappointment disappears from the whole serie, very odd indeed.
We, the girls and I had a great weekend with lovely food and drinks. Unfortunatly we didn’t have any Champagne at home which was a great dissappointment because we got awfully thirsty watching them drinking sparkling Champagne all the time.
Time Magazine included Brideshead Revisited in its list of "All-time 100 Novels." In various letters, Waugh himself refers to the novel a number of times as his "magnum opus"; however, in 1950 he wrote to Graham Greene saying "I re-read Brideshead Revisited and was appalled." In Waugh's preface to the 1959 revised edition of Brideshead the author explains the circumstances in which the novel was written, in the six months between December 1944 and June 1945 following a minor parachute accident. He is mildly disparaging of the novel, saying;
"It was a bleak period of present privation and threatening disaster — the period of soya beans and Basic English — and in consequence the book is infused with a kind of gluttony, for food and wine, for the splendours of the recent past, and for rhetorical and ornamental language which now, with a full stomach, I find distasteful." Evelyn Waugh
Brideshead Revisited - not the film, no, no, no.
659 minutes of
Brideshead Revisited the British television serial ( 1981) based on the novel of the same name by Evelyn Waugh.
It stars Jeremy Irons as Charles Ryder, Anthony Andrews as Lord Sebastian Flyte, Laurence Olivier as Lord Marchmain, Claire Bloom as Lady Marchmain, Diana Quick as Lady Julia Flyte, and Jane Asher as Lady Celia Ryder; also featuring Phoebe Nicholls as Lady Cordelia Flyte, John Gielgud as Edward Ryder, Simon Jones as Lord Brideshead, Nickolas Grace as Anthony Blanche, Stéphane Audran as Cara, Lord Marchmain's lover, and Charles Keating as Rex Mottram, yes that was a lot of favorites.
This is a favorite of mine, the Peony 'Feng Dan Bai' Paeonia suffruticosa herbaceous perennial plant 0.5–1.5 metres tall.
Det här är en av mina absoluta favoriter. Pionen 'Feng Dan Bei' en Kinesisk trädpion. Visst är den underbart vacker. Den blommade inte alls i år hoppas att det bara var den usla torra sommaren och att den kommer igen nästa år.
Paeonia suffruticosa in larger pictures
Have a nice day and you don't be a stranger ...skriv en rad!
Jättekul stort Grattis! / Tyra
Flowers from the garden
Pion i vas
Marine brass details in my Bath room. A kerosene lamp, marine clock...
I went to an outdoor auction in the countryside last weekend and look what a found. A pedestal for my greenhouse isn’t it just perfect. Old, worn and a bit shabby but nice, just the way I want it to be. It will be great for the greenhouse and the garden. All my pieces of furniture in the greenhouse are real bargains, they are old and worn, now I have been missing a pedestal and there it was…for 40 kronor (7 dollar). Recycle more!
The last fading beauty - Rose against the red wall on my cottage in Åkerby Village in the north of Uppland.
The paint consists of water, rye flour, linseed oil and residue from the copper mines of
Cetonia aurata. Rose Chafer - Guldbagge
Rare visit in Tyra's Garden the Cetonia aurata on my cardoon (Cynara cardunculus), also called the artichoke thistle which is member of the Aster family.
Cetonia aurata, known as the rose chafer, or more rarely as the green rose chafer, is a reasonably large beetle, 20 mm long, that has metallic green coloration (but can be bronze, copper, violet, blue/black or grey) with a distinct V shaped scutellum, the small triangular area between the wing cases just below the thorax, and having several other irregular small white lines and marks. The underside is a coppery colour. Rose chafers are capable of very fast flight; they do it with their wing cases down thus resembling a bumble bee, see photos below clearly illustrating it. They feed on flowers, nectar and pollen, in particular roses (from where they get their name); which is where they can be found on warm sunny days, between May and June/July, occasionally to September. Wikipedia Cetonia Aurata
När vi hör Guldbagge så tänker vi nog mer på ett filmpris (fult ;-) än på denna vackra skalbaggen som man ibland har turen att hitta i trädgården.
These two picture are not my work, they are from a Swedish forum at Odla.nu
Guldbagge forumbilder från Odla.nu av Amaira
Ha en trevlig helg allihop - Have a great weekend!